Current weather in South Tyrol:
Current weather
The sun will be weakened or completely obscured by partly dense high clouds.
Temperatures rising to 10° to 12°.
Weather in the mountains
Weather in the mountains
With a south-westerly flow, partly humid air masses will continue to reach the Alpine region at high altitudes.
At first, it will be quite sunny on most of the mountains, with cirrus clouds passing high above the peaks. In the morning, the clouds will thicken, and the light will become increasingly diffuse.
Mountain weather tomorrow
An intermediate high will temporarily bring drier air masses to the Alpine region.
Apart from a few residual clouds, the sun will shine on most of the mountains, with only thin cirrus clouds passing over the peaks at first. In the afternoon, the clouds will become denser from the west.
Next evolution
It will be cloudy in most of South Tyrol on Tuesday. Best chance of sunshine in the Vinschgau Valley or in the Dolomites in the morning. In the evening, there may be some light rain.
Wednesday will be mostly cloudy and there will be some precipitation, especially in the east of the region. The snow line is expected to be around 1300 m.
Conditions will improve on Thursday and it will be mostly sunny.
Friday will bring sunshine and high clouds.
Current weather
The sun will be weakened or completely obscured by partly dense high clouds.
Temperatures rising to 10° to 12°.
Next evolution
It will be cloudy in most of South Tyrol on Tuesday. Best chance of sunshine in the Vinschgau Valley or in the Dolomites in the morning. In the evening, there may be some light rain.
Wednesday will be mostly cloudy and there will be some precipitation, especially in the east of the region. The snow line is expected to be around 1300 m.
Conditions will improve on Thursday and it will be mostly sunny.
Friday will bring sunshine and high clouds.
Weather in the mountains
With a south-westerly flow, partly humid air masses will continue to reach the Alpine region at high altitudes.
At first, it will be quite sunny on most of the mountains, with cirrus clouds passing high above the peaks. In the morning, the clouds will thicken, and the light will become increasingly diffuse.
Mountain weather tomorrow
An intermediate high will temporarily bring drier air masses to the Alpine region.
Apart from a few residual clouds, the sun will shine on most of the mountains, with only thin cirrus clouds passing over the peaks at first. In the afternoon, the clouds will become denser from the west.
6 days forecast
© Weather service Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano